Sunday, December 27, 2020

God Does Not Always Lead in a Straight Line

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Central Baptist Church of Ponca City, OK

DATE: Sunday AM, December 27, 2020
SERMON BY: Bro. Sam Waterloo
SERMON TITLE: God Does Not Always Lead in a Straight Line
SERMON THEME: How God Fulfills His Plan
SERMON SERIES: Guest Speakers
SERMON VERSES: Matthew 2:13-15

* God’s path can seem and be confusing - we have to just trust Him, and take life a step at a time.
* God’s path can often be inconvenient - they were exposed to dangers of wild animals, robbers, of getting lost, with no human support.
* God’s path can be long - it was at least an eleven day journey to Egypt, and Joseph was not told how long they would be there.  
* God’s path always leads to fulfillment - He never wastes our experiences, using all to conform us into the image of His Son.

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