Sunday, December 27, 2020

Encouraging Ourselves in God

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Central Baptist Church of Ponca City, OK

DATE: Sunday PM, December 20, 2020
SERMON BY: Bro. Sam Waterloo
SERMON TITLE: Encouraging Ourselves in God
SERMON THEME: Renewal: Maintaining Spiritual Energy
SERMON SERIES: Guest Speakers
SERMON TEXT: 1Samuel 30:1-7

* God gave David promises and blessings
* God delivered him from the Lion and bear
* God gives Goliath into his hand
* God placed him into Saul’s court

Then, God started bring tests and separated him one by one from all those things that he might depend upon.

And now in the lowest of lows, God had him right where He needed him to be. In the ruins of Ziklag, all David had... was God!

What does it mean to encourage ourselves in the Lord?
- First, David had to choose to seek encouragement, instead of wallowing in self-pity.
- Second, he had to remember who God IS (the Almighty promise-keeper) and what He had already done. He can turn evil into good. His grace is always sufficient.  He is always enough.
- Third, for the born-again believer, God is Our God, He is our Father, and we must remember that nothing can touch us without His permission.
- Fourth, we must see all of life through His Biblical paradigm.

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