The Road Ahead group at CBC...unmarried young people from high school graduation age up to 25 years old. They are a fun group of excellent folks.
They met together on Friday night for pizza, a "life lesson", and fun & games! Everybody had a great time. Highlites of the evening were a spirited game of "ImagineIFF", and listening to Matt, Ben and J.P. laugh while reading "The Far Side Gallery" of cartoons. Unfortunately, we were missing some of the group...those who had already left town and returned to college life.
The Road Ahead group is hosted by Gerald & Mary Graham. The objective is to provide them with practical information applicable to young people who are entering adulthood and confronting for the first time the responsibilities of managing life on their own. They have learned about purchasing a home, investing for the future and other aspects of finance, and advice about marriage and relationships.
Tomorrow is "100% attendance" Sunday at Central Baptist. Services are at 8:30 and 11:00 with Sunday School in between.
God Bless You.