Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Staying on Target

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Central Baptist Church of Ponca City, OK

DATE: Wednesday PM, April 8, 2020    
SERMON BY: Dr. John Waterloo
SERMON TITLE: Staying on Target
SERMON THEME: Be Courageous, Cleave to God, Forsake the World
SERMON SERIES: Edifying the Body
SERMON TEXT: Joshua 1:5-9; 23:1-13

1. Be COURAGEOUS (established, fortified, hardened) to avoid fear and finish our race.  Don’t go to the left or right!
2. CLEAVE to the LORD (stay close to God; maintain the strength and health of your personal faith) v23:8
3. FORSAKE the World (paganism, sin, carnality, compromise of Truth)

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