Sunday, March 08, 2020

Revealing the Lies

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Central Baptist Church of Ponca City, OK

DATE: Sunday PM, March 8, 2020
SERMON BY: Bro. Tim Russell
SERMON TITLE: Revealing the Lies
SERMON THEME: Beware Our Deceitful, Seducing, and Demonic World
SERMON SERIES: Keep the Faith
SERMON VERSES: 2Timothy 2:16-18; 4:3-4

Paul teaches us to take out the trash, e.g.,
* Pointless debates
* Doctrinal perversions (heresy)
* Cultural perversions and confusion (substances, perverted sexuality and immorality, identity, etc.)

The Truth of the Word reveals the lies of the World!  How do we discover the Truth?
* Study the Word - do your very best (a workman who is not ashamed)
* Rightly dividing the Word - Beware manipulating scripture to supposed say what it does not say!
* Faithfully sit under the preaching of Godly pastors and teachers

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