Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Church Member Personality Test

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Central Baptist Church of Ponca City, OK

DATE: Sunday PM, December 29, 2019    
SERMON BY: Bro. Tim Russell
SERMON TITLE: The Church Member Personality Test
SERMON THEME: Identify Where You are in the Realm of Servanthood
SERMON SERIES: Keep the Faith
SERMON VERSES: 2Timothy 4:9-22

* The Leadership
    - Faithful men doing the work, e.g., Luke and Mark
    - The deserters, e.g., Demas who loved this present world
    - The faithful, but called elsewhere, e.g., Crescens, Titus, and Tychicus
* The Congregation
    - Faithful servants
    - Previously faithful, but now unavailable (health, age, etc.)
    - Those who are harmful to the ministry e.g., Alexander the Coppersmith
    - The other brethren

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