Sunday, November 01, 2020

Wanting to Know Christ... or Not?

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Central Baptist Church of Ponca City, OK

DATE: Combined Adult Sunday School, November 1, 2020
SERMON BY: Bro. Bill Prater
SERMON TITLE: Wanting to Know Christ... or Not?
SERMON THEME: Developing and Maintaining Good Spiritual Habits
SERMON SERIES: Guest Speakers
SERMON VERSES: Philippians 3:7-14

Why do we struggle maintaining good spiritual habits?
* We focus on what, or how, but... not WHO!
* True change comes by identity change, “Who do I want to become?”
* Do we really want to know Christ? START WITH THE HEART!
* Create a process to build a habit: 1) keep it simple and consistent, 2) make it obvious, and 3) accountability.

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