Sunday, October 04, 2020

What is Your Dirt Type?

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Central Baptist Church of Ponca City, OK

DATE: Sunday AM, October 4, 2020
SERMON BY: Bro. Michael Jones
SERMON TITLE: What is Your Dirt Type?
SERMON THEME: The Principles of Spiritual Productivity
SERMON SERIES: Fall Revival 2020
SERMON VERSES: Mark 4:1-20

Four types of people
* Hardhearted - the Word of God just bounces off
* Superficial- the emotional and excitable person that lacks character.  We can’t be a disciple without discipline.
* Crowded - worldly cares and wealth choke out Gods Word.
* Receptive... and some more than others, based on how believers respond to the Word!

Keep sowing the seed!
Make sure to keep good care of our own heart soil!
What is my soil type?

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