Sunday, March 29, 2020

You Don't Fit

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Central Baptist Church of Ponca City, OK

DATE: Sunday PM, March 22, 2020
SERMON BY: Dr. John Waterloo
SERMON TITLE: You Don’t Fit   
SERMON THEME: Believers Do NOT Fit in the World
SERMON VERSES: 1Samuel 29:1-11; John 15:18-25

Why don’t we fit? — God has condemned this World!    
* We are IN the World (physically) but not OF the world (spiritually); we have a different community    
* We use a different language; we talk about spiritual things using spiritual terms    
* We have a different philosophy; we THINK different (Biblical Worldview)    
* We have different standards! (1Peter 4:4) — Purity, Modesty, Godliness, Integrity, Honesty, Separation    

Consequently, The world hates and persecutes Christians because…    
* The World is INTOLERANT!  The world touts tolerance, but it does not practice true tolerance.  The world hated Jesus… without a cause!    
* We remind the World of their sin and their eventual judgment; we are an offense to the World    
* Misery loves company.  The hopeless world hates Christians because Christians have HOPE!    

We don’t fit into the World, but…    
* Do we fit into the Family of God (? Do we fit in the local family, the local NT Church? (1Corinthians 2:14)    
* Stop being a hypocrite!  Don’t try to fit into the World.  If we are trying to fit into this lost and dying world, then we are being a hypocrite.    
* We are to love the people of this world because Jesus loved the World (the people, not the system).  Remember that before we knew Jesus we were OF this World.

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