Sunday, September 01, 2019

Are we Vitamin or Virus?

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Central Baptist Church of Ponca City, OK

DATE: Combined Adult Sunday School, September 1, 2019
SERMON BY: Bro. Dale Bigham
SERMON TITLE: Are we Vitamin or Virus?
SERMON THEME: Markers of a Healthy Church
SERMON SERIES: Guest Speakers
SERMON VERSES:  1Thessalonians

We live in a sick world
Our responsibility is to minister to this sick world
To minister we must be healthy
But what does a healthy church look and function like?

Markers of a healthy church.  The members...
* are aware of the times and live accordingly (vv5:1-10)
They were living like they were leaving!
* minister to and uplift each another (vv5:11)
* honor and esteem and maintain peace with their pastor (v5:12, 13)
* maintain discernment in ministry (vv5:14, 15)
* rejoices ever increasingly (vv5:16-18)

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