The December 31, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by Brenda Waterloo, and then the sermon by guest pastor Dave Hardy, "Like a Candle Under Heat".
God bless you and thank you for listening!
"Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature" - Mark 16:15
Sunday, December 31, 2006
The Physical Consequences of Sin
The December 27, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. The message tonight from our evangelism minister, Bro. Scott Kelsey.
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
Monday, December 25, 2006
The Sacrifices Made
The December 24, 2006 Sunday evening podcast from the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music from J.P. & Dawn Page, Christina Blackstar & Carissa Reyes, and Judy Graves. Then, our youth minister, Bro. Lynn Schuyler presents the message, "The Sacrifices Made".
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
Giving Back to God
The December 24, 2006 Sunday morning podcast from the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music from miss Amy Farhney, and from Steve and Candy Patrick. The sermon from our pastor, Dr. John Waterloo, "Giving Back to God".
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
Message from Luke 2
The December 20, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast from the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. The sermon from our pastor, Dr. John Waterloo from the 2nd chapter of Luke.
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Message from Genesis
The December 17, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special Christmas music from our teen choir and then the sermon from our pastor, Dr. John Waterloo.
God bless you and thank you for listening.
God bless you and thank you for listening.
Lessons from the Life of Nehemiah
The December 17, 2006 Sunday morning podcast from the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. The message today from our pastor, Dr. John Waterloo from the 6th chapter of Nehemiah.
God bless you and thank you for listening.
God bless you and thank you for listening.
Lunday: Missionary to Brazil
The December 13, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Rev. Lunday, missionary to Brazil, presents the message.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Teen Service
The November 10, 2006 Sunday evening service from the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Tonight is our regular teen service featuring special music from our teens, and the sermon delivered by Sam Waterloo.
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
No Reserve; No Retreat; No Regret
The December 10, 2006 Sunday morning podcast from the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music from Sherry Bosworth, and then the sermon from our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo from the 5th chapter of Nehemiah, "No Reserve, No Retreat, No Regret".
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
The Life of Moses
The December 6, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our pastor, Dr. John Waterloo teaches from the book of Exodus on "The Life of Moses".
God bless you and thank you for listening.
God bless you and thank you for listening.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
An Inside Job
The December 3, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Cental Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music presented by Andy Biddinger and Brenda Waterloo and then the sermon from our pastor, Dr. John Waterloo from the book of Nehemiah, "An Inside Job".
God bless you and thank you for listening.
God bless you and thank you for listening.
God Uses Ananias
The November 29, 2006 Wedensday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. The sermon presented by our Outreach Minister, Bro. Scott Kelsey.
God bless you and thank you for listening.
God bless you and thank you for listening.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Our Choices...Our Destiny
The November 26, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. The message from our pastor, Dr. John Waterloo, "Our Choices...Our Destiny".
God Bless you and thank you for listening!
God Bless you and thank you for listening!
The Sword and the Trowel
The November 26, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by Brenda Waterloo and then the sermon from our pastor, Dr. John Waterloo, "The Sword and the Trowel".
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Give Thank for All Things
The November 21, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Cental Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our pastor, Dr. John Waterloo presents the message, "Give Thanks for All Things".
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
Tim Berg: Ministerial Student
The November 19, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma with ministerial student, Bro. Tim Berg preaching.
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
Stick With It
The November 19, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. The sermon is presented by our pastor Dr. John Waterloo from the 4th chapter of Nehemiah.
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Drew Paul: Missionary to Australia
The November 12, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Loads of special music this evening and then the sermon my the Lord's missionary to Australia, Bro. Drew Paul.
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
The Opposition
The November 12, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. The sermon by our pastor, Dr. John Waterloo from the book of Nehemiah, "The Opposition".
God bless you and thank your for listening!
God bless you and thank your for listening!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Richard Reddoch: Missionary to Wales
The November 8, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. The message presented by the Lord's missionary to Wales, Bro. Richard Reddoch.
God bless you and thank you for listening.
God bless you and thank you for listening.
The Storms of Life
The November 5, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Tim and Steve Patrick play a harmonica duet, and a quartet of young ladies sing. Youth Pastor Lynn Schuyler presents the message from the book of Mark, "The Storms of Life".
God bless you and thank you for listening.
God bless you and thank you for listening.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Staying the Course with Christ
The November 5, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Guest speaker Pastor Andy Chute brings the message this morning from the book of Ruth, "Staying the Course with Christ".
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
The November 1, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City Oklahoma. The message presented by our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo..."Reconciliation".
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Face to Face with Jesus
The October 29th, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our Evangelism minister, Bro. Scott Kelsey presents the sermon, "Face to Face with Jesus".
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
Serving Faith
The October 29th, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by Steve Patrick, and guest speaker Clifford Clark brings the message, "Serving Faith".
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
God Rewards the Faithful
The October 25, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Cental Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo presents the message from the book of Joshua, "God Rewards the Faithful".
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God Uses Anyone Who is Willing to Serve
The October 22, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music is presented by a father and daughter duet, Gerald & Sarah Graham. Then our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo brings the message from the book of Nehemiah, "God Uses Anyone Who is Willing to Serve".
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
God Uses Those Who Make Themselves Available
The October 22, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music is presented by Mrs. Cathy Byard and then the message from our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo from the book of Nehemiah, "God Uses Those Who Make Themselves Available".
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
The Cost of Marginal Christianity
The October 18th, Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. The message from Bro. Orval Stanley from the book of II Kings, "The Cost of Marginal Christianity".
God bless you and thank you for listening.
God bless you and thank you for listening.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Abiding Faith
The October 15, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music tonight from Andy Biddinger and Brenda Waterloo. Then our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo presents the message from Genesis, "Abiding Faith".
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Rise Up and Build: Part II
The October 15, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by the Patricks Then, our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo brings the message from the book of Nehemiah, "Rise Up & Build".
God bless you and thank you for listening!
God bless you and thank you for listening!
Forgiveness: God Uses Our Suffering for Good
The October 11, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Chuch in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo presents the message from the book of Genesis, "Forgiveness: God Uses Our Suffering for Good".
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Monday, October 09, 2006
In Christ, We Have Hope!
The October 8, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo presents the sermon from the book of Genesis, "In Christ, We Have Hope".
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Rise Up and Build: Doing Things God's Way
The October 8, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music this morning is from Sherry Bosworth and then our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo presents the message from the book of Nehemiah.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Being Fruitful; Receiving God's Blessings
The October 4, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Bapstist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo presents the message from the book of Genesis chapter 49, "Be Fruitful and Receive God's Blessings".
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Caring for Others
The October 1, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music this morning is presented by Brenda Waterloo, and the sermon by our Pastor Dr. John Waterloo. The message is from the book of Nehemiah chapter 1, "Showing Others That You Care".
God Bless You and thank you for visiting!
God Bless You and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
You Have Got It Good
The September 24, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by Buffy Friend, and then our Youth Pastor, Brother Lynn Schuyler will present the message from the book of Ephesians, "You've Got It Good".
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Friday, September 22, 2006
God is Always There...And He Will Take Care of You
The September 20, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo delivers the message from the book of Genesis, "God is Always There...And He Will Take Care of You".
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Exhort, Exalt, Magnify and Serve
The September 17, Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Guest speaker, Brother Rick Brand delivers the message from the book of John, chapter 3.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Obey Your Authorities...It is God's Will
The September 17, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Today is Red, White and Blue sunday! Special music is performed by our quartet, and Brenda Waterloo. Then Bro. Rick Brand offers a sermon especially for the men and women of law enforcement and public service.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The Blessings of God
The September 13, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo, presents the message from the 48th chapter of Genesis, "The Blessings of God".
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Congratulations! You're Rich!
The September 10, 2006 Sunday evening podcast from the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music is presented by Sarah Graham and Dara Marlar, and our Youth Pastor, Bro. Lynn Schuyler, presents the message from Ephesians chapter 1, "Congratulations! You're Rich!"
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Direct Your Passion Towards the Things of God
The September 10, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by Sherry Bosworth, and then the message from our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Tried, Tested & True
The September 7, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our evangelism minister Scott Kelsey brings the message, "Tried, Tested & True".
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Spend Your Time on the Things of God
The September 3, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by Brenda Waterloo, and the sermon by our missionary to Kenya, Bob Clark.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Do You Have What It Takes to Go Forward?
The September 3, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Coming to you from the historic Poncan Theater in beautiful downtown Ponca City. Special music from two of our church quartets, and the message from our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Be Strong and Courageous; Stay Focused
The August 30, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo brings the message from the 23rd chapter of Joshua.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Jacob's Life...Joseph's Promise
The August 27th, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo presents the message from Genesis chapter 47, "Jacob's Life...Joseph's Promise".
God bless you and thank for visiting.
God bless you and thank for visiting.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Worshiping God
The August 27, 2006 Sunday morning podcast from the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special musice from the Patricks, and Brenda Waterloo. Then our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo brings the message from I Chronicles, "Worshiping God".
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Do You Have a Plan?
The August 23, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast from the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Pastor John Waterloo brings the message from the the 47th chapter of Genesis, "Do You Have a Plan?".
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
The Importance of Brotherly Love
The August 13, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by our quartet, and then our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo presents the sermon entitled, "The Importance of Brotherly Love". The primary scripture reference is the book of Philemon.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
A Call to Arms
The August 9, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Pastor John Waterloo brings the message, "A Call to Arms" and addresses our need to put on the full armor of God!
God bless you and thank you for listening.
God bless you and thank you for listening.
Friday, August 11, 2006
How is Your Relationship with God?
The August 6th, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. It is Youth Night! You will be pleased to listen to a special by the youth choir, and then a message by pastorial student, Bro. Tim Burg entitled, "How is Your Relationship with God?" The primary scripture reference is from II Corinthians chapter 6.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
The August 6, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music presented by the singers from West Coast Baptist College. The Sermon is presented by Dr. Toby Weaver from Lancaster Baptist Church in Lancaster, California.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
The importance of Genealogies
The July 12th, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. The message tonight from our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo describes a few important reasons for genealogies. The primary scripture reference is from Genesis, chapter 46.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Issues of the Heart
The July 9, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo presents the sermon from I John chapter 3.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Jacob's Dilemma: Do Not Be Afraid
The July 5th, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. The message tonight from our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo and he continues with the series on the life of Joseph. The primary scripture reference is from Genesis, chapter 46.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Looking for God in All the Wrong Places
The July 2, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Lots of special music from our young people and the sermon by our Evangelism Minister, Bro. Scott Kelsey.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God's Provision for the United States
The July 2, 2006 Sunday morning broadcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music with vocalist Sarah Graham, Mary Graham on the flute, and Kathy Byard on piano. Also, Brenda Waterloo performing a powerful Christian patriotic medly. Then the sermon by our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo. The primary scripture reference for today's message is taken from Galatians chapter 5.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
The Foundation of Our Justification
Sunday, June 25, 2006
God Enlarges Our Hearts
The June 25th, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by Brenda Waterloo, and our Pastor John Waterloo presents the sermon, "God Enlarges Our Heart". The primary scripture reference in from Psalm 119.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Fighting and Bickering
The June 21, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Pastor John Waterloo brings the message from the life of Joseph, "Fighting and Bickering". The primary scripture reference is from Genesis 45.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Joseph: An Example of Manhood
The June 18th, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our Pastor, John Waterloo preaches the message, "Joseph: An Example of Manhood", from the 45th chapter of Genesis.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I am Joseph
The June 11, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Young people who have just returned from senior camp give testimony to what the Lord is doing in their lives. Pastor John Waterloo presents a sermon from Genesis, "I am Joseph".
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
Come...An Invitation
The June 14th Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Pastor John Waterloo presents the sermon, " Invitation". The primary scripture reference is from Genesis chapter 45.
God Bless you and thank you for visiting.
God Bless you and thank you for visiting.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
The Proud Heart
Wednesday, June 07, 2006 Blossom
The June 7, 2006 podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Pastor John Waterloo presents the sermon, "Broken... to Blossom". The primary scripture reference is from Genesis chapter 44.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Godly Fear Has No Peer
The June 4th, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Bapstist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by Brenda Waterloo, and a powerful message by visiting minister, Bro. Dave Hardy entitled, "Godly Fear Has No Peer".
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Do You Love Me?
The May 31, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Bro. Walter Clark, missionary to Germany, brings the message, "Do You Love Me?"
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
The Broken Da Vinci Code
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Grace is a Wonderful Thing
The May 24th, Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo teaches from the 43rd chapter of Genesis, and the sermon title is, "Grace is a Wonderful Thing".
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Jacob: I Surrender
The May 21, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by Amber and Jesse Hayes, and the sermon by our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo entitled, "Jacob: I Surrender".
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
The Importance of a Committed Heart
The May 21, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music today is by Becky Gillespie, and the sermon by our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo entitled, "The Importance of a Committed Heart".
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
What To Do When Things Aren't Going Your Way
The May 17th, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Pastor John Waterloo continues the series on the Life of Joseph with a message entitled, "What to do when things aren't going your way".
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Maintaining a Clear Conscience
The May 14th, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by the Junior Choir, Jackie Graves, and a duet by Sarah Graham and Amy Farhney. Brother Emmanuel, brings news from the Philippines, and our Pastor, Dr. John Waterloo brings a sermon on "Maintaining a Clear Conscience".
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
Mother's Day Service
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
The Effect of Our Conscience on Our Lives
The May 10, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Pastor John Waterloo continues the series in the Life of Joseph from Genesis 42. The topic of the message is "The effect of our conscience on our lives".
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Bringing an End to the Famine in Your Life
The May 3, 2006 Wednesday evening service of the Central Baptist Church. Pastor John Waterloo continues the series on the Life of Joseph. The primary scripture reference is from Genesis 42.
God bless you and thanks for visiting.
You can hear the audio podcast of this service by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you and thanks for visiting.
You can hear the audio podcast of this service by clicking on the title of this post.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Prospering During Times of Famine
The April 30, 2006 Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by Buffy Friend, and Bro. John Waterloo preaching. Pastor continues the series on the "Life of Joseph". Primary scripture reference is from Genesis 41.
God bless you and thanks for visiting!
You can listen to the podcast of this service by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you and thanks for visiting!
You can listen to the podcast of this service by clicking on the title of this post.
Beyond Christianity 101
The April 30, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music is presented by Sherry Bosworth. Pastor John Waterloo presents the final sermon in the "Forward in Faith" series titled, "Graduating beyond Christianity 101". The primary scripture reference is from Philippians chapter 3.
God bless you and thanks for visiting.
You can listen to the podcast of this service by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you and thanks for visiting.
You can listen to the podcast of this service by clicking on the title of this post.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
The Three Chairs
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Are You an Enthusiastic Witness for Jesus?

Yesterday, a number of our youth group participated in the annnual "Prim". Dressed in formal wear, they travelled to Wichita and ate at Kobe's Japanese Steakhouse. Afterwards they went to the sports center in Wichita for some fun. This picture shows the young people and the sponsors near the pond on the grounds of the Marland Mansion in Ponca.
God Bless You and thank you for visiting.
You can listen to the podcast of the morning service by clicking on the title of this post.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Missionary to the Ivory Coast
Missionary to Ivory Coast, Tim Downs, presents a moving and sometime entertaining message regarding the Lord in the Ivory Coast. Special music is performed by Brenda Waterloo.
God bless you and thanks for visiting.
You can listen to the podcast of this service by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you and thanks for visiting.
You can listen to the podcast of this service by clicking on the title of this post.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
You Cannot Outgive God

God bless you and thank you for visiting.
You can listen to the podcast of this service by clicking on the title of this post.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Missions: Why Not?
The audio podcast of the Missions Conference of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Keith Harris presents the sermon, "Missions: Why Not?". The primary scripture reference is from John chapter 4.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
You can listen to the podcast of th sermon by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
You can listen to the podcast of th sermon by clicking on the title of this post.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Supporting the Man of God
The April 16, 2006 Easter Sunday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church of Ponca City. Missionary to Germany, Walter Clark presents a sermon teaching the neccesity for Christians to support the men who God has called.
God bless you, and thank you for visiting.
You can hear the podcast of this service by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you, and thank you for visiting.
You can hear the podcast of this service by clicking on the title of this post.
The Betrayal of Jesus Christ
Christ is risen...He is risen indeed.
God bless you and thank you for visiting.
You can listen to the podcast of the Easter service by clicking on the title of this post.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
How Do We Find Wisdom?
The April 12, 2006 Wednesday evening service, Pastor John Waterloo's message continues the series on the life of Joseph...."How Do We Find Wisdom?". Primary scripture references are Genesis 41 and Proverbs 1.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
You can listen to the podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you and thank you for visiting!
You can listen to the podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Overcoming Giants
The April 9, 2006 Sunday morning service of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City, Oklahoma. Special music by the New Covenant Quartet and the message by Pastor John Waterloo..."You can overcome giants through the power of Christ".
God bless you and thanks for visiting!
Click on the title of this post to listen to the service podcast.
The easiest way to hear each and every podcast of our services is to subscribe through iTunes. If you do not yet have iTunes you can get it free at . Once you subscribe, new audio podcasts will be automatically uploaded to your computer each time you start iTunes. From that point, you can listen to the audio on your computer, sync the audio to your mp3 player, or burn the audio to CD to listen to in your car or share it with others!
God bless you and thanks for visiting!
Click on the title of this post to listen to the service podcast.
The easiest way to hear each and every podcast of our services is to subscribe through iTunes. If you do not yet have iTunes you can get it free at . Once you subscribe, new audio podcasts will be automatically uploaded to your computer each time you start iTunes. From that point, you can listen to the audio on your computer, sync the audio to your mp3 player, or burn the audio to CD to listen to in your car or share it with others!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
You Have a Little Strength...God Has the Rest
The April 5, 2006 Wednesday evening podcast. Bro. Orval Stanley presents a message, "Thou Hast a Little Strength"...and that's enough! The primary scripture reference is from Revelation chapter 3.
You can listen to the podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you and thanks for visiting!
You can listen to the podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you and thanks for visiting!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Making Choices God's Way
The April 2, 2006 Sunday evening service is our special youth night. Tim and Steve Patrick perform a harmonica duet, the youth choir performs, and Sam Waterloo preaches from 1 Samuel 24. The topic of the sermon is "Making Choices".
You can listen to the audio podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you!
You can listen to the audio podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you!
Freedom of Choice
The April 2, 2006 Sunday morning podcast of the Central Baptist Church. Special music is presented by Brian and Buffy Friend. Bro. Scott Kelsey brings the sermon from Deuteronomy chapter 30, and the title of the message is "It's a Matter of Choice".
You can listen to the audio podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
My Odeo Channel (odeo/0f0c353a16ea97b5)
You can listen to the audio podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
My Odeo Channel (odeo/0f0c353a16ea97b5)
Saturday, April 01, 2006
The Success of Joseph
The 3/29/06 Wednesday evening podcast of the Central Baptist Church in Ponca City. Pastor John Waterloo continues the series, "The Life of Joseph". The primary scripture reference is from Genesis 42 and the topic is, "The Success of Joseph".
You can hear the podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you and thanks for visiting!
You can hear the podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you and thanks for visiting!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
God Never Fails
Today is March 26, 2006. In our evening service, Pastor John Waterloo continues the series on the life of Joseph. The topic of the sermon is "Men will let you down, but God never fails". The primary scripture references are in Genesis chapter 40 and several verses from Psalms.
You can listen to the podcast of tonight's service by clicking on the title of this post.
Thanks for visiting!
You can listen to the podcast of tonight's service by clicking on the title of this post.
Thanks for visiting!
The Scarlet Cord of the Harlot
The March 26, 2006 Sunday morning podcast. Pastor John Waterloo's sermon, the next in the series "Forward in Faith", is titled "The Scarlet Cord of the Harlot", and the primary scripture references are from Hebrews and Joshua. The special music is presented by Brenda Waterloo.
You can listen to the podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
Thank you for visiting and God bless you!
You can listen to the podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
Thank you for visiting and God bless you!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Heaven Makes a Difference!
Bro. Scott Kelsey presented the sermon Wednesday evening entitled, "Heaven Makes a Difference". His primary scripture references are from Revelation and II Peter. You can hear the entire podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
Thanks for visiting!
Thanks for visiting!
Monday, March 20, 2006
The Awakenings
The Sunday evening podcast with a sermon by Andy Chute, "The Awakenings". You can listen to the podcast of this service by clicking on the title of this post.
There is an annoying clicking associated with this podcast which I apologize for...hopefully it will not be overly distracting.
God bless you!
There is an annoying clicking associated with this podcast which I apologize for...hopefully it will not be overly distracting.
God bless you!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
The Faith of Noah
The March 19, 2006 Sunday morning podcast. Pastor Waterloo continues the "Forward in Faith" series by investigating the faith of Noah. The primary scripture references come from Genesis chapter 6 and Hebrews chapter 11. Steve Patrick performs "I Will Find You Again". You can hear the podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
God Bless You!
God Bless You!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Secret Desires...Hidden Hope
"Secret Desires...Hidden Hope" is the powerful message brought by brother Orval Stanley. The scripture reference is Romans 8:22-29.
The entire pastoral staff, their spouses and a large number of the youth are in Pensacola, Florida this week visiting Pensacola Christian College. Please keep them in your prayers.
Also, the home of Jim and Dawn Page burned this week. We are thankful that none of the family was hurt in the fire! Please keep Jim, Dawn, J.P. and Kyle in your prayers and be prepared to help them with needs as they arise during this difficult time.
You can listen to this evenings message by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you, and have a great week!
The entire pastoral staff, their spouses and a large number of the youth are in Pensacola, Florida this week visiting Pensacola Christian College. Please keep them in your prayers.
Also, the home of Jim and Dawn Page burned this week. We are thankful that none of the family was hurt in the fire! Please keep Jim, Dawn, J.P. and Kyle in your prayers and be prepared to help them with needs as they arise during this difficult time.
You can listen to this evenings message by clicking on the title of this post.
God bless you, and have a great week!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
I Have a Dream
Pastor Waterloo continues the series on the Life of Joseph. Tonight's message is titles "I Have a Dream".
You can listen to the podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
Thanks for visiting!
You can listen to the podcast of the service by clicking on the title of this post.
Thanks for visiting!
Forward in Faith
Pastor John Waterloo brings our Sunday morning message today..."Forward In Faith". His primary scripture reference is from Numbers 21:1-9. Special music today is by Sherry Bosworth and Buffy Friend.
You can listen to the podcast of today's service by clicking on the title of this post.
You can listen to the podcast of today's service by clicking on the title of this post.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tell It to Jesus
Today is Wednesday, the 8th of March, 2006. Special guest, Reverend Joe Decker, presents an awesome message tonight about taking your problems to Jesus. There is a never a time in any circumstance where hope turns to hopelessness...when Jesus is involved!
You can listen to tonights service by clicking on the title of this pos..."Tell It to Jesus".
Thanks for visiting!
You can listen to tonights service by clicking on the title of this pos..."Tell It to Jesus".
Thanks for visiting!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Sometimes We Fight...
This is the first Sunday of the month. The first Sunday night of each month is youth night! Tonight the youth choir sings the special music, and our Youth Pastor, Lynn Schuyler presents the message.
You can hear the podcast of tonight's service by clicking on the title of this post, "Sometimes We Fight...".
Have a great week!
You can hear the podcast of tonight's service by clicking on the title of this post, "Sometimes We Fight...".
Have a great week!
What is Your Stigma?
Today is a beautiful spring-like Sunday Morning! Pastor Waterloo's message this morning is on the Stigma we bear on our bodies as servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. Special music is presented by Brenda Waterloo.
You can listen to the podcast of the Sunday morning service by clicking on the title of this post, "What is Your Stigma?".
Have a blessed day!
You can listen to the podcast of the Sunday morning service by clicking on the title of this post, "What is Your Stigma?".
Have a blessed day!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Victim or Victor?
A "must hear" sermon! Victim or Victor? The continuing series of messages on the life of Joseph taught by Pastor John Waterloo. Scripture reference in Genisis 39.
You can hear the message by clicking on the title of this post.
Have a great day!
You can hear the message by clicking on the title of this post.
Have a great day!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Anybody Can Fall Into Sin
Today is the 26th day of February, 2006. Tonight, Pastor Waterloo's message was from Psalm 51; Anybody Can Fall Into Sin...but, God is big enough to forgive us! There was also special music from Buffy Friend.
You can hear the audio of tonight's service by clicking on the title of this post.
Thanks for visiting!
You can hear the audio of tonight's service by clicking on the title of this post.
Thanks for visiting!
A New Creation
Today is Sunday, February 26, 2006. Pastors sermon today is about being a new creation and his primary scripture reference comes from Galatians chapter 6.
Special music today is a flute duet by Lynne Fahrney and Mary Graham, and a trio with Melissa Coberly, Kathy Byard and Brenda Waterloo.
You can listen to the podcast of the service by clickin on the title of this post, "A New Creation".
Thanks for visiting!
Special music today is a flute duet by Lynne Fahrney and Mary Graham, and a trio with Melissa Coberly, Kathy Byard and Brenda Waterloo.
You can listen to the podcast of the service by clickin on the title of this post, "A New Creation".
Thanks for visiting!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Avoiding Temptation
Pastor Waterloo presented an excellent message tonight, relevant to all of us. The topic of his message was "Avoiding Temptation". Scripture references for his message were Genesis chapter 39 and several references from Proverbs.
You can hear tonight's message by clicking on the title of this post.
Thanks for visiting!
You can hear tonight's message by clicking on the title of this post.
Thanks for visiting!
Monday, February 20, 2006
The Place of Music in Church
Thanks for visiting the Central Baptist Church blog!
Our Sunday PM service was special! A large number of people and groups performed special music. There were young and old, fast music and slow, and even a father/son harmonica special that was great! You need to listen.
Brother John Waterloo followed the music with a message regarding the proper place of music in the church.
You can hear the entire service by clicking on the title of this post, "The Place of Music in Church".
Thanks for visiting. You're encouraged to share this site with others!
Our Sunday PM service was special! A large number of people and groups performed special music. There were young and old, fast music and slow, and even a father/son harmonica special that was great! You need to listen.
Brother John Waterloo followed the music with a message regarding the proper place of music in the church.
You can hear the entire service by clicking on the title of this post, "The Place of Music in Church".
Thanks for visiting. You're encouraged to share this site with others!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Keep Investing in the Lord's Work
Today is the 19th of February, 2006. This morning the New Covenant Quartet offered our special music...they did an excellent job. Brother John preached from the 6th chapter of Galatians. The point of the sermon was to keep investing in the Lord's work.
You can click in the title of this post to hear the broadcast.
Thanks for visiting!
You can click in the title of this post to hear the broadcast.
Thanks for visiting!
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Are You Committed for Life?
Tonight, Keith Harris brings our message from the book of Ruth, chapter 1. The topic of Keith's message to us is "Are you committed to God for Life?". Keith has recently graduated from Bible College and will be travelling as a missionary to Scotland. You can hear Keith's message by clicking on the title of this post.
Brother John is out of town, so please pray for him while he is away!
Other great news: Brother Lynn and miss Jennie are expecting a baby boy! Please keep them in your prayers, also!
God bless you!
Brother John is out of town, so please pray for him while he is away!
Other great news: Brother Lynn and miss Jennie are expecting a baby boy! Please keep them in your prayers, also!
God bless you!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Carry a Load...Share the Load of Others
Well, Today is February 12, 2006...It's Sunday morning. We heard some great singing from the Patrick's this morning...featuring young Timmy Patrick, and then another excellent sermon from Pastor Waterloo.
You can listen to the podcast of this morning's message by clicking on the title of this post. We've picked up a nasty buzz from somewhere in the sound system, so I apologize in advance for that. Hopefully, it will not be too annoying!
Thanks for visiting!
You can listen to the podcast of this morning's message by clicking on the title of this post. We've picked up a nasty buzz from somewhere in the sound system, so I apologize in advance for that. Hopefully, it will not be too annoying!
Thanks for visiting!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
How Do We Find Favor with God
Greetings and thank you for visiting my CBC blog. Tonights message from Brother John Water was excellent! ( as usual ). The sermon tonight was taken from Genesis chapter 39 and the title is, "How do we find favor with God?"
You can click on the title of this post to hear the audio.
God bless you!
You can click on the title of this post to hear the audio.
God bless you!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Teen Night Music and Sermon
Hi, and thanks for visiting my CBC blog.
Tonight at church was the teen night service. The teen choir sounded great and Sam Waterloo did an excellent job on the message. You can hear the audio of the choir and sermon by clicking on the title of this post, "Teen night music and sermon".
After church several of us gathered together to watch the Pittsburgh Steelers whip the Seahawks. We had a great time and ate way too much!
Have a great day!
Tonight at church was the teen night service. The teen choir sounded great and Sam Waterloo did an excellent job on the message. You can hear the audio of the choir and sermon by clicking on the title of this post, "Teen night music and sermon".
After church several of us gathered together to watch the Pittsburgh Steelers whip the Seahawks. We had a great time and ate way too much!
Have a great day!
Sunday, February 05, 2006
The Ministry of Reconciliation
Howdy, and thanks for visiting. This morning's message is from Pastor Waterloo and the topic is "Reconciliation". You may click on the title of this post, "The Ministry of Reconciliation" to hear the audio broadcast.
The Super Bowl will be played this evening, so all services are cancelled for tonight....JUST KIDDING!
Have a great day!
The Super Bowl will be played this evening, so all services are cancelled for tonight....JUST KIDDING!
Have a great day!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Joseph in Egypt
The Wednesday evening sermon was delivered by Pastor John Waterloo. The scripture reference is from Genesis chapter 37...the story of Joseph in Egypt. Click the title of this post to hear the podcast of this message.
Monday, January 30, 2006
The Spoils of War Belong to the Lord
Greetings and thanks for visiting.
We had a guest pastor this Sunday: Pastor Wayne Hardy who is the minister at Bible Baptist in Stillwater delivered our messages today.
If you will click on on the title of this post, you can listen to the audio of the PM service.
Good Day!
We had a guest pastor this Sunday: Pastor Wayne Hardy who is the minister at Bible Baptist in Stillwater delivered our messages today.
If you will click on on the title of this post, you can listen to the audio of the PM service.
Good Day!
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Stewardship by Guest Pastor Wayne Hardy
Hi, and thanks for visiting my Central Baptist blog. No new news today...just the audio of this mornings sermon!
You can click on the title of this post to hear the special music and sermon.
Miss Becky Gillespie performs the special music, and pastor Wayne Hardy from the Bible Baptist Church in Stillwater, Oklahoma presents the message.
Thanks for visiting!
You can click on the title of this post to hear the special music and sermon.
Miss Becky Gillespie performs the special music, and pastor Wayne Hardy from the Bible Baptist Church in Stillwater, Oklahoma presents the message.
Thanks for visiting!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
25th Anniversary Party

Saturday morning we had a work day at the church. Lots of folks joining together to do a number of important tasks! Cleaning, changings bulbs, cleaning, replacing ceiling tiles, cleaning, repairing stuff, cleaning, sound maintenance, and cleaning.
Saturday afternoon from 2 -4 there was an anniversary reception for David and Linda Beguin. The fellowship hall was full of Beguins, Holroyds, church members and miscellaneous friends. I looked through David and Linda's wedding album and was reminded of a lot of old memories. David and Linda have changed alot in 25 years....haven't we all?
Have a blessed day!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
The Joy of Giving: Dick Redding
I usually don't do two posts in one day, but...
Missionary Dick Redding was recently in the church and spoke about "The Joy of Giving". This month is Stewardship month at Central Baptist Church.
You can click on the title of this post "Missionary: Dick Redding" to hear the audio of his presentation.
Have a great day!
Missionary Dick Redding was recently in the church and spoke about "The Joy of Giving". This month is Stewardship month at Central Baptist Church.
You can click on the title of this post "Missionary: Dick Redding" to hear the audio of his presentation.
Have a great day!
God Cares for You!

This is the Byard family! Mark, Cathy and Shannon. Mark is a deacon in the church, teaches one of the adult Sunday School classes, and keeps a bunch of notes at all the meetings so he can tell the Pastor what they talked about at the last meeting...what do you call that? Oh yeah...gullible! haha Just kidding. Mark is a busy guy at the church and does a great job! He's also our Apple aficionado. Anything Mac, and Marks the Man!
Cathy is busy, too. She leads one of the children's choirs, and she also gives group vocal instruction to the adult choir. I'm not sure exactly what she majored in at college, but it had a lot to do with vocal music and it shows in her ability to teach! She also works in the nursery, plays the piano, teaches piano and voice, etc.
Shannon is just as sweet as you would expect her to be having the parents she has!
Last night's sermon was most excellent. Brother John's message was about how, More than anyone is God who cares for you! If you click the title of this post..."The Byard Family" can hear Brother John's sermon.
Have a great day...and thanks for visiting!
Monday, January 23, 2006
Don't Be Envious of Others

Today I had the chance to lunch with our Youth Minister, Lynn Schuyler. Lynn is super guy, and with all that he does for our young people you might say he is a "Super Man". haha
Lynn and his wife, Jenny, have two beautiful daughters...Katie and Megan. They are expecting a third child in a few months.
Speaking of having kids, there was an announcement in the newspaper the other day about identical twin boys that were born. I think the couple was Christian because the first-born son was named Hosea. I think the father is a fireman...the second son was named HoseB! haha it's not such a good joke.
If you're ever up...or down...our way, I hope you stop in and see us at Central Baptist. Meet Bro. Lynn. I know you'll like him as much as we all do.
God Bless You
P.S. Click on the title of this post to hear Sunday night's message from Pastor Waterloo. He preaches about the Danger of Becomming Envious...and it's a doozie!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
The Road Ahead

They met together on Friday night for pizza, a "life lesson", and fun & games! Everybody had a great time. Highlites of the evening were a spirited game of "ImagineIFF", and listening to Matt, Ben and J.P. laugh while reading "The Far Side Gallery" of cartoons. Unfortunately, we were missing some of the group...those who had already left town and returned to college life.
The Road Ahead group is hosted by Gerald & Mary Graham. The objective is to provide them with practical information applicable to young people who are entering adulthood and confronting for the first time the responsibilities of managing life on their own. They have learned about purchasing a home, investing for the future and other aspects of finance, and advice about marriage and relationships.
Tomorrow is "100% attendance" Sunday at Central Baptist. Services are at 8:30 and 11:00 with Sunday School in between.
God Bless You.
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